Many thanks to the applicants and recommenders for this strong participation and for your involvement.
Discover the laureates of our FRANCE categories
Cyber Woman Manager or Entrepreneur
Marie Paindavoine
Cyber Woman Professional in Cybersecurity
Marion Buchet
Woman in Cybersecurity Support Professions
Leslie Fornero
Cyber Woman Student
Julie Blassiau
Cyber Woman Hope
Joséphine Delas
Cyber Woman Researcher
Marlène Dulaurans
Florence Sedes
Cyber Woman in Defense and Security
Mélanie Ceszniewski
Digital Woman of the Year
Gabriela Belaid
Discover the laureates of our EUROPE categories
Cyber Woman Manager or Entrepreneur
Létitia Combes
Cyber Woman Professional in Cybersecurity
Aline Barthélemy
Woman in Cybersecurity Support Professions
Sarah Jane Mellor
Cyber Woman Student
Laetitia Cesari
Cyber Woman Hope
Klorenta Pashaj
Cyber Woman Researcher
Elena Vishnevskaya
Cyber Woman in Defense and Security
Monica Ratte
Digital Woman of the Year
Virginie Guignard Legros
Discover the “Coup de Coeur” laureates
Jury’s favorite award
Sahar Habib
CEFCYS favorite award FRANCE
Maria Iacono
Congratulations to the women nominated for this third edition who testify to the quality and richness of women Cyber.
Congratulations to all finalists!
Fiona Castelli, Coline Chavane, Youna Chosse-Bentabed, Cécile Delerablée, Fatima Djoubar, Ghaydaa Gad, Stéphanie Hantat-Busson, Victoria Hauser, Maria Teresa Martins Soares, Laetitia Mathieu, Atefeh Moghaddam, Ilse Parra, Samia Saad-Bouzefrane, Elise Treguer, Loscrì Valeria
Why this trophy?